- Offizieller Beitrag
Die Fa. Oberschelp (High Impress) soll 2017 eine Deutschland Neuheit präsentieren mit folgenden Maßen: 20m hoch und 100Km/h schnell.
Weiss von Euch jemand was es wird?
Die Fa. Oberschelp (High Impress) soll 2017 eine Deutschland Neuheit präsentieren mit folgenden Maßen: 20m hoch und 100Km/h schnell.
Weiss von Euch jemand was es wird?
Vermutung: Technical Park Heavy Rotation oder Moondance..
Tendiere allerdings eher zu Heavy Rotation!
Also KMG hatfür das nächste Jahr auch was angekündigt:
"We'd like to announce that we've designed a brand new 16 person capacity ride on one semi-trailer. The new ride will be available in the summer of 2018 and it will be priced less than a KMG X-Factory. The ride can be set up in only 20 minutes. The ride will have a LED (RGB) lighting package as default, runs on 400 V / 125 Amps and the overall weight will be approx. 20.000 kg.
Like any other KMG ride this new ride will be very easy to move, set up and handle. It only takes 2 persons to set it up and to operate it.
The description is as follows: 2 vertical towers, with each a revolving arm. The 2 arms hold a platform. On the platform there are 2 rotating (spinning) gondolas that carry 8 passengers each. The arms and gondolas rotate with a variable speed (RPM). The platform, and thus the gondolas, always stay up right. The ride is designed for riders from approx. 48 inches. The ride has a small footprint of 14,4 x 8,8 mtrs. (47.2 x 28.9 ft.)."
Ich habe jetzt von Ingeneurswesen kaum Ahnung, aber könnte das hinkommen ?
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